Monday, December 29, 2014

After Christmas Blues

Have spend the last solid week home with my husband and I'm really starting to go a bid "mad"....not really, but I'm feeling the need for some social stimulation.....he sleeps pretty much most of the time and I do have loads of things to do, but I need to talk with people from time to time and that's not happening....I guess that's why I'm here talking to myself.  Opps.

Took some pics yesterday....using my i-pad I took the first type image using a key on the camera and look what happened...wonderful...certainly some good ideas for some small pieces.  And then I went out into the back yard and took some images around on the deck...and the orange blue green is actually a close up of the garden globe I have and it's wonderful also....this will definitely become something beautiful...I really do want to do some abstract work and maybe this can help me get into that side of my brain....I am such an organized person, it's very hard for me to trip over to the other side.

Christmas was good this year...mainly because my son and his daughter actually met up by mistake in my front yard at the same time and ended up talking for an hour about some of their problems and came  up with some plans.  They hadn't seen or spoken to each other in over two years...far to long and totally my son's fault....she's only a kid, he's the adult.  Anyway, that could have been all I wanted for the holidays as far as I was concerned.  All the other was fluff. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Week

It's the holiday week and not much in the way of sewing or designing is happening in my studio...I have really been spending most of my time working on getting ready the I CAN DO THAT exhibit coming up for the gallery.  I have all the work to be placed in the gallery in my studio...needs to be cleaned, making sure everything has wired and labeled properly.  A lot of work ahead of me...plan on spending most of Wednesday doing this to get it finished NOW.  I hate last minute rush, so I plan to get this all ready at least a week or so ahead of time.  Then I need to photograph everything to get the images out to our Facebook person to put out a blitz over the month of January to get our FB folks into the gallery to see the work and sell the work to raise the funds we'd like to raise for the non profit group and the kids.  It's been a good project so far and I know the group is very happy with what we are doing for them.  After the exhibit is up and running, then we need to concentrate on helping them get their "closet" organized for future events.  It's a feel good project;  I just wish more in my gallery group would consider being a part of what is happening. 

Christmas day I have a crowd here for a dinner and gift giving, but I plan on the day after Christmas to get back into the studio for ME....start some new work and work myself to death so to speak...I need to keep my mind on my work and not so much worry about Lynn's health and well being...caring for someone you love so much can be very consuming and overwhelming and for me, I start to loose myself in their needs and find I have none of my own.  His sister wants to start taking him to the movies again on Tuesday and I hope he can find it in himself to let her do that..he's been very reluctant as he has become so dependent on me over the last six months...time to spend some time with someone else and let me have the time to go bowling/lunch with my own friends.  We'll see what happens.  One step at a time with Lynn and it has to be his idea or it doesn't happen.

I also have told myself I need to follow through on the idea of setting up a tapestry loom...I have the loom, I just need to put it all together and then learn tapestry 101 to make it all sis Robin has done it in a small version, my loom is larger and some day I have visions of a much larger one, but that takes time to learn all the in/outs of this new process for me.  Best I learn on my own, making mistakes is how I learn the best.  I always go back to the sewing because it's so second nature to my soul...time to step up and start something new. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

I CAN DO THAT!! Art for All Abilities

My new passion....helping out this non profit group that is bringing art to kids with disabilities in our school system here in Sacramento....two women, Alice Parente and Allison Sertic make the magic happen and the gallery is helping them.....because we care!!!!!    Allison is the marketing and grant guru and Alice is the person who puts the artist into the classroom to make it all happen.  And they need help...financially and artistically..............................we adopted them last year as part of our quest to gain first place in the KCRA A List competition...but we fell short of our goals and really never raised very much money for them with our campaign.  Then I realized that our gallery just wasn't financial able to give them money on a constant basis as we had too many obstacles in the way with lagging sales due to the new arena construction happening causing lower traffic in our doors.

I met with Allison, got a better feel for what they were doing and after talking with her realized that they needed some other type of help...they needed visual I offered them our window space and featured artist space for the upcoming month of January 2015.....right now we all in the throws of making that all happen.....the images above are some of the work I have sitting back in my studio that we are considering to be put in the exhibit and a bunch of us are meeting this Saturday to select the final cut.  We'll have 2D, 3D, cards and matted examples of the kids work for sale/donation during the month of January to help raise awareness and funds for the group.  We're hoping to get a lot of press out of this directly after Christmas and into January and will use social media to boost interest.

It's a lot of work but for a great cause.  After we get the exhibit up, the small group helping me are going to go back to their storage area at the school site and help clean up their inventory so they can get to it easier and to figure out what they actually have for future events.   

It feels good to help a cause do a better job.        lts

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holidays Hard for Several Reasons

I was thinking today about how Christmas has become "hard" this year over other years because I'm hearing from several folks that I only connect with during the holidays that they are either suffering with a huge illness or have passed over this past year and I didn't know that had happened.

I was totally shocked when one of my fellow FEDEXer's that I worked with for years passed away this past February...his widow/wife send me a holiday card and the only thing she mentioned in her own hand writing was that Tom has passed in February...nothing more.  I just sat there staring at what she had written for the longest time because I truly didn't believe it.  

And now I've gotten one of my other cards back from an old friend, Barbara Blessington who lives right here under my nose but I hadn't been in contact with her for probably a year and she doesn't live where she used to and neither of her phones are her numbers any longer.  An internet search turned up nothing, so now I'm turning to friends that might know where she has landed...I suspect she is living with one of her adult kids, but her whereabouts are unknown to me at this time.  I'm hoping for the best instead of the worst........and it saddens me that we have lost touch.  I do want to reconnect if she is able to do so.  

My involvement in the art gallery has given me a large amount of new "friends" and my involvement is so totally 120% that one tends to just unintentionally let others sit it your address book and not connect with you...of course, they haven't either, so it's two fold...not just one sided.  
And my new 36+ art friends are involved, creative and fun folks to be around so I tend to lean their way because I need that in my life right now.  But I still feel bad.  

Another friend that had moved to Oregon had bad news to deliver also...a mutual sewing friend that I personally hadn't seen in probably two years has grown into dementia and that saddens me also....I must reconnect if she is capable.  

This aging process  is also a process in learning how to react when the news you get or come upon isn't all rosy and need to be ready to show your caring side, your compassionate side whenever instead of being stunned and annoyed.  I hope I can be a good enough friend to accomplish this and help my friends along the way.  I come from good stock, good genes...not much in the way of medical problems...let's hope I stay on that side as long as I can.  

Thank goodness I have my ART to keep me focused, creative and of right mind. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Days are short and full of chores, errands and some art!!!

The days are shorter, cooler, more colorful......but the days seems to be chalk full of stuff that has to get done.....chores, errands, appointments, commitments and some art.  Today for instance starts with up early and off to the primary doc for hubby as his blood pressure has been high and the doc sees him every thirty days after prescribing new drugs to bring that pressure reading down...back again this morning.......then off to the eye doc to pick up his new glasses.  I actually have an appointment with the non profit, I CAN DO THAT picking up student work for an exhibit we're putting together at the gallery...bringing it all home to ready for hanging second week of January.  Then we are off to meet some bowling friends for dinner before we bowl @ 6:30 at Mardi Gras Lanes....tomorrow, nothing planned...hanging at home, weathering a big storm, plan to work in the studio a good part of the day.  Of course I have Christmas gifts to wrap, floors to clean....etc etc etc.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Holiday Studio Happenings

Every year I make a huge effort to produce my own holiday cards...and yes, I'm a big believer in sending out a holiday card at this time of the year.  It might be the only time I connect with many on my mailing list and therefore what I send should be something special.  I feel that way, not sure everyone that receives one does, but that's OK also.  In the past I have block printed a card, painted a card, created a fabric tree, created puzzles, printed off my own creation as the subject matter on the front of the card and so on and so on.............................................this year I wanted to do something simple but different, so I'm machine sewing a loose interpretation of a holiday tree onto the front of the card, writing a message at the bottom, cutting my own star to adhere to the top and I've printed off on my HP printer a message for the inside.....working up a dozen at a time...and I'm only on my second dozen.   Usually I have them all complete and in the mail by this time of the year, but I'm a bit behind, but they will be done by the end of the week for sure.

Not many folks put our holiday cards any fact not many send out anything any's all done through the internet or facebook or ???????     I really like the personal touch and I hope that those I send to know that and get the spark or idea to do the same.  It's a tradition that shouldn't end because of the times, but carried on.  Just like sending out Thank You cards...always do that, but many do not.  I just want someone who takes the time to think of me to know that I care that they did take that time. 

Although I'm a social bee and like to be around other people, this year for Thanksgiving hubby and I spent it alone...just the two of us.    I good a small type turkey dinner and we were perfectly happy;  no mess, no fuss, no huge clean up.  Not that we weren't invited somewhere, it's just that hubby is having a bout with anxiety when it gets in crowds...therefore, we just can't attend those types of events right now.  He even opted out of his own families holiday party later this month (usually has a minimum of 40-maximum of over 80)...too many people.  We are planning on having a dinner here at home on Christmas day and we're hoping adult kids and grandkids will come...plans are in the making.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


 Last night was the opening reception of "Force of Nature" exhibit that I shared with my fiber friend Marjan Kluepfel...we had a moderate crowd and several good friend stopped by the see what we had put together to show.....Marjan and I have known each other for over 12 years and she's on the teaching circuit throughout the US and Internationally...I was flattered when she asked me to share this exhibit space this year and I hope we do it again next year.  I pulled work from my past and created some newer pieces also....these four pictures are work that is in the larger room...I'll post some individual images toward the end of what is in the smaller conference room.  I did sell a piece of work;  Marjan sold a piece, all in all it was a successful reception and we appreciate all the folks who came out Friday night working against the traffic and the semi-bad weather.

Commicare Health Center is a clinic and art gallery by day....that's why you see all the chairs against the wall space.  But their walls a tall, huge amount of natural light , perfect place to install an exhibit the size we had.  Thanks to John Bonner, Exec Director for all he did to make this all happen.

Thanks for my sister Kim and her entourage (Susan, Linda and Joan), friend Cathy Cederlind, ex-FEDEX friend Linda Robbins (from LA), gallery friend, Marcia Ruth, CFA friend Martha Wolfe, my daughter Gail and grandchildren Ricardo and Daniela and all the new friends I met that came out for Marjan.  All in all a great evening.  And a huge thanks to my step daughter, Christine for helping out at home caring for my hubby so I could have a short evening out without worry.

 The above pieces are some of Marjan's work...she sold her sunflower.

 The two larger pieces of the right are mine....the three on the left belong to Marjan.

The three above are some of the smaller and most recent pieces that I have hanging in the adjacent conference of my black/white snow scenes was sold last night....yeah!!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ehren Tool / Ceramics and more

This fiber collage is of Ehren Tool.   I was watching Craft in America:Service about two weeks ago and it featured Ehren Tool from Berkeley, who was in his masters program at Berkeley...a ceramics major who created cups depicting war, battle, soldier memories....a returning soldier who found his way through schooling paid for by the GI bill.....I was really struck by his work and what he believed in as a man/soldier/warrior and as an artist.  I went on line to find him to see where his work was for sale as I really wanted to purchase a piece for my bother-in-law, Val Schiele...a true blue 100% Marine who fought in Vietnam on several tours of duty...I have his name in our family  holiday draw and I thought this would be something he didn't have that I knew he would love.  Surprisingly Ehren responded to my email saying he didn't sell his work, but that he'd be honored to work up a cup for my brother-in-law....I responded back saying OK and thanks, but how about we do a I created a fiber collage of him which just went out via FEDEX and he's creating a cup for me to give to Val...................the perfect trade.  I hope Ehren likes his collage...I enjoyed researching him on the internet and using images and words to put together his collage.  "Anyone who has witnessed war, is a changed person forever"...his words, not mine.  I love the Craft in America series and recommend anyone to view learn so much about people and why they do what they do. 

On my own quest.....I'm struggling a bit, but loosening's difficult when I have to be "on" all the time watching and caring for Lynn.....but I've gotten more studio time this week and I will say it helps me make through the day care wise.  I don't like the interruptions, but they are going to happen and knowing that makes them come a little easier.  I'm planning "what next" and working up some fabric to to come later. 

Tomorrow I hang about 16 pieces of work at the CommuniCare Health Center in Davis, Ca with my friend and fellow fiber artist, Marjan Kluepfel....."Force of Nature" is our title and it runs from Nov 21 to Feb 6, 2015...reception happening Fri Nov 21.....I hate receptions, but I'll work this with Marjan and I'm sure we'll have a good time.   I have Lynn youngest daughter coming in to care for him and that makes it much easier for me to ease up and spend some time with others selling my work. 

Enough for now........picture and more information as time goes by.  11/14/13

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I realized something yesterday that really has me totally upset....I have such a huge passion for so many things in my life and my husband has none.  And that saddens me terribly.  I am a bit naive at times because I think everyone leads the same life as I do, until I stop and talk with others or think about what they do and don't have in the lives. 

My passion stems from my art work...I appreciate others art work and am passionate about finding out how and why they do what they do....just like I think about why I do what I do in my art form.

Example...last night I was watching Craft in America: Service...fantastic series and this episode was wonderful....featured a young new artist, Ehren Tool who lives in Berkeley and creates ceramic cups with images of war and his experiences while he serviced in the Marines.  Fantastic work, fantastic images and a fantastic person....and I got very excited about what he was doing I wanted to share what I had learned about him with my husband, the only other person I live with in this house, and he wasn't interested in the least, just went back to sleep in his recliner.  I had no one to share my excitement, I emailed Ehren himself and now I have an ongoing conversation going with him about his art.    I found a new friend.

I realize I have a lot of passions in my life....passion for my family, passion for my friends, passion for my art and passion for how I live my life..................and I totally refuse to give in to anything else at this point in my life. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

68 and Holding On For Dear Life

Over the weekend I turned!!!   I've really never thought about being 68, but now that I do, I think about all the art I want to create and that possibly I'm spinning my wheels and not making much progress.  I haven't been journaling, I haven't been reading much, I haven't been creating art except what is needed for the gallery I'm invested in and an upcoming exhibit (showing at the Davis Communicare Health Center Nov21-Feb 6,2015......after that, what's next? 

Part of my not "doing" is because of the time needed to care of my hubby.  His health slowly worsens along with this own attitude about himself and what's happening to him body/mind wise.  Keeping care of him can be overwhelming some days, but taking that much needed step into my studio at the back of the house does help me wash away all the pressures of the day/nighttime events.  And that's one driving source that's prompting me to really get back into the studio as much as possible.

The other part is that I really want to push myself into doing fiber collage work that says something besides "cute and pretty".  I want my work to be seen and commented on for it's substantial content and design and of course, purchased to help supplement my passion for fine fabrics. 

So, I cleaned up my studio (I always like to work in a clutter free environment), pulled out what I call my morgue (collection of images, techniques and ideas) that I had collected over many years and started sorting through everything...making stacks of ideas I'd like to try, stacks of images that I'd like to collage together, throwing out the ones that I couldn't figure out why I actually took the time to tear out of a magazine or print off the computer or write down and draw...until I had a reasonable amount of new and fresh ideas to begin my quest.  I also cleaned out my "pieces that I created a surface design on but never finished off" rid of some ideas that shouldn't have been started in the first place and kept hold of a small amount to re-start, change and finish.....and now I think I can begin a new phase in my art making. 

I know I"ll have to interrupt every once in a while to fulfill commission orders and restock the gallery wall, but those pieces of work are a days of interruption only and I can deal with that concept. 

And the biggie, keeping up a blog on-going chat to myself about the ups/down and all around of being "me" and keeping my head above the water line.  I come from a long line of strong and determined women and I figure I've got at least another twenty-five good years left in me before my eyes, hands and brain give way to the aging process, so I had better get busy and start this new process.  Hang on, it's going to be bumping ride, but worth each bump along the way!!!!