Saturday, November 22, 2014


 Last night was the opening reception of "Force of Nature" exhibit that I shared with my fiber friend Marjan Kluepfel...we had a moderate crowd and several good friend stopped by the see what we had put together to show.....Marjan and I have known each other for over 12 years and she's on the teaching circuit throughout the US and Internationally...I was flattered when she asked me to share this exhibit space this year and I hope we do it again next year.  I pulled work from my past and created some newer pieces also....these four pictures are work that is in the larger room...I'll post some individual images toward the end of what is in the smaller conference room.  I did sell a piece of work;  Marjan sold a piece, all in all it was a successful reception and we appreciate all the folks who came out Friday night working against the traffic and the semi-bad weather.

Commicare Health Center is a clinic and art gallery by day....that's why you see all the chairs against the wall space.  But their walls a tall, huge amount of natural light , perfect place to install an exhibit the size we had.  Thanks to John Bonner, Exec Director for all he did to make this all happen.

Thanks for my sister Kim and her entourage (Susan, Linda and Joan), friend Cathy Cederlind, ex-FEDEX friend Linda Robbins (from LA), gallery friend, Marcia Ruth, CFA friend Martha Wolfe, my daughter Gail and grandchildren Ricardo and Daniela and all the new friends I met that came out for Marjan.  All in all a great evening.  And a huge thanks to my step daughter, Christine for helping out at home caring for my hubby so I could have a short evening out without worry.

 The above pieces are some of Marjan's work...she sold her sunflower.

 The two larger pieces of the right are mine....the three on the left belong to Marjan.

The three above are some of the smaller and most recent pieces that I have hanging in the adjacent conference of my black/white snow scenes was sold last night....yeah!!!!!

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