Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Need to find my MOJO again.

I've been working on some new ideas for future series...and I worked on a few floral pieces and it certainly didn't spark my interest...This piece is just the collage right now, needs to have the surface sewing and background movement...maybe I'll start working on that portion to see if it makes me more interested in creating more floral pieces.  It seems to be that it's been done before...but then it hasn't been done by me before and maybe with a little twist or change, I can personalize it a bit and not have the pieces be just flowers...maybe they can be flowers with a little pizazz...why can't leaves me pink or red or purple, why do they always need to be green.

I've also started some new surface designs using animal silouettes and thinking of creating more pieces like my gekcos.....I still love this p ieces of work.

I love the way it moves around the surface....maybe smaller versions of this piece as well as other types of animals forms....I'm mainly thinking about work that I can put in the gallery and sell at a lower reasonable price....

I hate that as an artist I am thinking about the costs of a piece of work before I even create it...I should be just creating and if I decide to put it in the gallery, then and only then is when I should be thinking about the price...at least that's the way I used to do things and I felt better about it then, rather than now.

I'm struggling to get my groove back....need something to kick me in the gut and get me excited again about doing my work.  I believe that all my other responsibilities right now have pushed my creative side out a bit and I need to get that back.  I guess I'm going to have to make some mistakes along the path to finding myself and my creative side again.  Thank goodness I have a healthy inventory of work to fall back on while I take this time to rethink my goals.    

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