Saturday, September 10, 2016

New Exhibit, New Ideas

 "Map It Out" at Blue Line Gallery....the art is up on the walls and the reception is coming  up this next Saturday, Sept 17....hope folks can come and enjoy.

And I'm working on new ideas for an upcoming exhibit at Blue Line...30x30...thirty pieces of new work 6" c 6" in 30's a huge challenge, but I do love a good challenge.  Last year I produced thirty pieces in less that thirty days while sewing my daughters wedding dress, a bridesmaid dress and flower girl I think I can handle it again this year without those extra distractions.

Leaf Pounding....I've worked with this many many years ago, but through about how beautiful it can be when done in a "simple" way....KISS....keep it simple, stupid...I mean, sweetie.  I don't like the word stupid. 

Anyway, this morning I did some practice pounding..leaves onto silk noil....they are now drying and then I"ll enhance them a bit and possible put my sewing machine to work a bit..then I'm going to stretch them onto a solid piece of canvas board to see how they come out and if OK..then I'll submit them as my idea for the upcoming 30x30...You aren't automatically accepted..they do jury your ideas.
Here's some photos I took while doing this exercise:

Leaf pounding goes back a ways in history...American Indians used this technique..of course they didn't have hammers or silk noil, but they did pound leaves for design.

 Peeling the top cotton pieces away from the bottom with the sandwiched pounded leaf in have to flake off the leaf residue, let it dry, iron it and then I'm going to outline it a bit to give it a life.  I might even sew around them or inside..I will wait and see what happens.

I like they way these gave off a different color.
With fall starting to happen, I need to find leaves that cast off different shades of
green, red, gold...perfect time of the year to work on this project.

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