Monday, December 29, 2014

After Christmas Blues

Have spend the last solid week home with my husband and I'm really starting to go a bid "mad"....not really, but I'm feeling the need for some social stimulation.....he sleeps pretty much most of the time and I do have loads of things to do, but I need to talk with people from time to time and that's not happening....I guess that's why I'm here talking to myself.  Opps.

Took some pics yesterday....using my i-pad I took the first type image using a key on the camera and look what happened...wonderful...certainly some good ideas for some small pieces.  And then I went out into the back yard and took some images around on the deck...and the orange blue green is actually a close up of the garden globe I have and it's wonderful also....this will definitely become something beautiful...I really do want to do some abstract work and maybe this can help me get into that side of my brain....I am such an organized person, it's very hard for me to trip over to the other side.

Christmas was good this year...mainly because my son and his daughter actually met up by mistake in my front yard at the same time and ended up talking for an hour about some of their problems and came  up with some plans.  They hadn't seen or spoken to each other in over two years...far to long and totally my son's fault....she's only a kid, he's the adult.  Anyway, that could have been all I wanted for the holidays as far as I was concerned.  All the other was fluff. 

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