Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Week

It's the holiday week and not much in the way of sewing or designing is happening in my studio...I have really been spending most of my time working on getting ready the I CAN DO THAT exhibit coming up for the gallery.  I have all the work to be placed in the gallery in my studio...needs to be cleaned, making sure everything has wired and labeled properly.  A lot of work ahead of me...plan on spending most of Wednesday doing this to get it finished NOW.  I hate last minute rush, so I plan to get this all ready at least a week or so ahead of time.  Then I need to photograph everything to get the images out to our Facebook person to put out a blitz over the month of January to get our FB folks into the gallery to see the work and sell the work to raise the funds we'd like to raise for the non profit group and the kids.  It's been a good project so far and I know the group is very happy with what we are doing for them.  After the exhibit is up and running, then we need to concentrate on helping them get their "closet" organized for future events.  It's a feel good project;  I just wish more in my gallery group would consider being a part of what is happening. 

Christmas day I have a crowd here for a dinner and gift giving, but I plan on the day after Christmas to get back into the studio for ME....start some new work and work myself to death so to speak...I need to keep my mind on my work and not so much worry about Lynn's health and well being...caring for someone you love so much can be very consuming and overwhelming and for me, I start to loose myself in their needs and find I have none of my own.  His sister wants to start taking him to the movies again on Tuesday and I hope he can find it in himself to let her do that..he's been very reluctant as he has become so dependent on me over the last six months...time to spend some time with someone else and let me have the time to go bowling/lunch with my own friends.  We'll see what happens.  One step at a time with Lynn and it has to be his idea or it doesn't happen.

I also have told myself I need to follow through on the idea of setting up a tapestry loom...I have the loom, I just need to put it all together and then learn tapestry 101 to make it all work...my sis Robin has done it in a small version, my loom is larger and some day I have visions of a much larger one, but that takes time to learn all the in/outs of this new process for me.  Best I learn on my own, making mistakes is how I learn the best.  I always go back to the sewing because it's so second nature to my soul...time to step up and start something new. 

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